Olympus 1530 CNC Router Installation in Cumbria

Olympus CNC Router Installation in Cumbria
Machine: Olympus 1530 CNC Router
Industry: Digital Fabrication Services
Location: Cumbria

WikiHouse specialist builders Digital Woodoo have just had an Olympus 1530 CNC router installed at their manufacturing plant in Cumbria.

The Olympus CNC machine will take their production capabilities to another level due to its automation, stability and precision. Ideal for processing woods, this affordable CNC machine is available in various bed sizes and comes with our specialised matrix zoned bed; making it ideal addition for any business looking to bring production in-house.

To find out more about the Olympus CNC machine, get in touch:

Telephone: 0800 056 0404
Email: sales@opuscnc.co.uk
Web: www.opuscnc.co.uk
All Olympus CNC routers include:

Based in Cumbria and in Need of a CNC Router?Â